Palliative Care Services

The number of hospital palliative care teams in the United States has grown dramatically over the past decade. The prevalence of palliative care in U.S. hospitals with 50 beds or more has nearly tripled since 2000, reaching 61 percent of all hospitals of this size. As of 2012, 1734 out 2844 hospitals with 50 beds or more reported a team and these teams are serving an estimated 6 Million Americans.Palliative Care aim to treat, as early as possible, the symptoms of the disease and any psychological, social and spiritual problems related to the illness. It also assist families and caregivers through this experience and provide a bereavement support service to people who are grieving.It aims at Assessment and Treatment of Symptoms along with Psychosocial Support and Co-ordination of Care by the cross-linking network of Doctors of different expertise and their remarks.

  • Assessment and Treatment of Symptoms
  • Psychosocial Support
  • Co-ordination of Care
  • Counseling on Loss of Decisional capacity
  • Tracking the Financial Affairs in Order

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