Spirituality in Hospice and Palliative Care

Globally there are near about 5,000 end-of-life spiritual care providers out of which nearly 1700 are based in the United States.The population using these specially designed facilities was 0.8% in the last decade in the USA and the number has been increased to nearly 11.5%.Spirituality in Hospice and Palliative Care is a very important aspect of end-of-life care. A patient terminally ill and in unbearable pain only hopes for peace of mind and relief from pain in his/her last days.Some therapies like Narrative Medicine, Dignity Conserving Therapy, Reconciliation with self/others, Religious/ Sacred Spiritual Readings and Spiritual Screening plays a very important part of the those facilities as it helps reducing the depression and anxiety of a dying person up to a great extent.Other relieving ways can be Yoga, relaxing exercises, getting involved in Arts and Culture, Creating Healing Environments and cultivating conscious compassion.

  • Narrative Medicine
  • Dignity Conserving Therapy
  • Reconciliation with self/others
  • Religious/ Sacred Spiritual Readings
  • Engage in Yoga, Arts, and Exercise
  • Spiritual Screening
  • Creating Healing Environments
  • Cultivating Conscious Compassion

Related Conference of Spirituality in Hospice and Palliative Care

Spirituality in Hospice and Palliative Care Conference Speakers