Hospice Care

The number of Hospice Care agencies in USA alone has taken a magnification over the last decade and currently there are more than 3700 Hospice Care Agencies in USA alone accommodating approximately 2 Million patients per year.Hospice care is end-of-life care. A team of health care professionals and volunteers provides it. They give medical, psychological, and spiritual support. The goal of the care is to avail people who are dying have placidity, comfort, and dignity. It deals with the Pain and symptom control of a person who is either terminally ill or is undergoing severe treatments like Chemotherapy etc. Caring with physical, emotional and spiritual support services and its advancement in a way that the dying people can live the rest of their life in peace and comfort. Resource utilization and its outcome is mainly focused on using a clinical nurse or a physician for aiding communication between the patients and patients’ families for reduced length of stay at a caring organization in order to utilize the resources quite wisely and the outcomes should come in handy. Keys to success lies in the protocols to be followed while having a patient in a hospice care facility.To understand, feel and control the pain of a terminally ill patient is the motive of Hospice Care.

  • Pain and Symptom Control
  • Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Support Services
  • End-of-Life Care Practices
  • Resource Utilization and Outcome
  • Keys to Success
  • Protocols to be followed

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