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Yvonne Heath

Yvonne Heath

Author of Love Your Life to Death, Canada


As a Registered Nurse for 30 years, working in United States and Canada,  Yvonne has witnessed our society’s death phobia and our reluctance to talk about, plan prepare for grief; causing excessive suffering. Her new purpose?

To empower compassionate communities and professionals to live life to the fullest, learn to grieve and support others and have “The Talk” about end of life… long before it arrives and diffuse the fear.

Yvonne shares her message—with heart and humour— using intelligence, empathy and genuine uplifting spirit, to combine a powerful mix of personal insights and lessons. Yvonne demonstrates how we can live well, die well, and transform our world into a happier place. Yvonne is the Founder of the I Just Showed Up movement (Teaching people of all ages to show up for themselves and others, so they are empowered and resilient when grief arrives) and Love Your Life to Death.


Abstract : I Just Showed Up: Teaching people of all ages to show up for themselves and others, so they are empowered and resilient when grief arrives.