Timothy G. Ihrig
Ihrig MD & Associates, USA
Dr. Ihrig is the CMO of Crossroads Hospice & Palliative Care and CEO of Ihrig MD & Associates. He is internationally recognized for combining clinical and administrative experience to system design around population health management, care coordination and care delivery for the most vulnerable population, is an expert in understanding risk as applied to healthcare contractual entities, micro- and macro- healthcare economics, population health, regulatory compliance from a system perspective and the interaction of all three. He served as the medical director for Palliative Medicine at the Trinity Regional Medical Center within the Unity Point Health System and on their Accountable Care Organization Development Board of Managers. His role was the conceptualization, design, integration, implementation and expansion of palliative medicine within a Pioneer ACO through the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Innovation Project. His efforts were seminal in Unity Point Heath being granted the 2013 Circle of Life Award by the American Hospital Association. He has given a TED talk which has over 1.7 million views globally, has been featured on National Public Radio’s, “All Things Considered”, is endorsed by the Center to Advance of Palliative Care as a national level clinician-educator and co-authored, Palliative Care: Symptom Management.
Abstract : Communities Learning from Communities: Lessons from Tanzania