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Zohra Kurji

Zohra Kurji

Aga Khan University Hospital, Pakistan

Title: Using simulation as strategy for teaching End of Life care in palliative care course in under graduate Nursing program AKUSOANM Karachi Pakistan


Biography: Zohra Kurji


Death and dying although is a reality yet for many it remains a taboo to be discussed. It is reported that nursing students feel considerable anxiety and sadness, when they experience death on a clinical placement. Therefore, teaching end-of-life nursing care and providing practice experiences in caring for dying patients are essential competencies in nursing education programs. It is reported that end- of- life care simulation can produce an effective and safe learning situation where the students increase their knowledge about palliative care principles and feel more comfortable and confident in communicating with patients and their families. Despite this evidence of the effectiveness of simulation in education programs current analysis indicates that where palliative and end-of-life care is included in undergraduate curricula it is delivered largely in theoretical form. Hence, it is planned to introduce simulation in palliative care nursing course in which year II students of Post-RN BScN programme at AKUSONAM- Karachi will enrolled in January 2018 to provide care to patients and their families in death and dying situation. The study employed a quasi-experimental design (pre-post intervention design to see the impact of simulation and debriefing on students’ learning. Data collection is completed and analysis of study in progress. Hence this study will gives students experiential learning by engagement with simulated scenarios. Moreover engaging them in safe learning environment with complex issues will and improve patient safety and outcome.