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Usanee Siriuyanont

Usanee Siriuyanont

Mahidol University, Thailand

Title: Blossom on beautiful departure: Spiritual growth of family members caring terminal illness by palliative care


Biography: Usanee Siriuyanont


When a life encounters mournful departure, how can we have smiley face on a blood tear stain? The research aims to study spiritual growth of family members caring terminal illness by palliative care. In-depth interviewing of the major careers losing their beloved recently, a phenomenology study is the qualitative approach to comprehend each experience’s structures also meaning-making. The investigation concerns in (1) the process and factor supporting the inner growth, (2) the transition of paradigms and behaviors, and (3) the characters of spiritual growth. The data are collected by audio tapes, researcher’s journal, and subjects’ social online webpages. The finding shows the association between these issues in the boundary of their perception resulting from their paradigms. According to palliative care curators, wholeheartedly communication is the uttermost essence of progression. As purely transmission triggers the subjects to contemplate in their relationships among terminal patients, eventually the new meaning as well as value of spending time in their lives emerged. Consequently, their conceptual frameworks are broadened to be obviously positive thinking and pleasured manners. Lessons learned in the significant caregivers' experiences appears in palliative care treatment, deeply understanding to each other can cut corners on caregiver bereavement comparing the traumatic theories. Apart from acceptance of beloved’s desires by profoundly conceived, all subjects confidently nurse their hearts till the last second, afterward courageous to share their bereavement experience for social benefits.