Biography: Sorin Buga
Nowadays we have multiple medications to address pain wheater related or not to a cancer diagnosis and opioids represent the gold standard approach in the management of cancer and cancer treatment associated pain. However the same opioids by triggering receptors in the limbic reward system could cause euphoria that could expose such patients to various aberancies towards opioids.
While striving to provide the most pain relief to patients in pain, clinicians, oncologists and pain management physicians in particular, have no accurate ways to predict how a patient who is prescribed opioids may respond to these drugs.
There is also need for further education for the opioid prescribers in understanding certain behaviors in their patients to avoid mislabeling of such patients as drug addicts when in reality they are not.
This presentation will go over several aberant behaviors such as pseudoaddiction, chemical coping, addiction, misuse and abuse.