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Beatrice Matandiko Zulu

Beatrice Matandiko Zulu

General Nursing Council of Zambia, Zambia

Title: Effectiveness of palliative health care services for women and men in the client population


Biography: Beatrice Matandiko Zulu


Beatrice Matandiko Zulu, GNC Education and Training Manager, coordinates nursing and midwifery education and training programmes and ensure integration of core competencies into nursing curricula. Prior to joining GNC, she was Principal Tutor for Lusaka School of Midwifery and later briefly as Nursing Education Manager for Lusaka schools of nursing and midwifery. She received both her Master in Gender and BSc degree from the University of Zambia. She was a co-investigator in a research paper that was published in the International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship manuscript 2379 in 2012.

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